Robosexuality!!!!! and robot hottie of the week

Robot sex .. how close are we .. and would you do it. WestWorld lets us know its right around the corner.
Futurama told us it was illegal
This guy dont like it and looks like my friend
The deal is that once we start having sex with robots .. life as we know it would come to an end.. why would i ever leave the house If i had this waiting at home for me .. no more working out . I could dress like a slob .. and just make enough money for the robot maintenance package ..
It all sounds grand .. buttt if movies are based on true stories .. which they are!!!!
everything starts off all nice and sweet ,,
but soon the robots always rise up and start kickin our asses..
and Clementine is my favorite!!!
soooooooooo maybe its better that this is the closet thing we have to sexbots now ..
she’s actually kind of hot
we should keep tabs on the bald guy and just make sure .. she does not cut his balls off in his sleep
oh yeah this week’s robot hottie of the week .. goes to Seven of Nine .. well she is more of a hybrid .. but whatever
Lets do this!!
Yes Momma!!
he is saying “I aignt gonna resist .. just be gentle!!!!”