Happy Turkey Day
There isn’t much about turkey and lettb this round. Just wishing you a safe and happy Thanksgiving. We’ll catch up once we wake up. Also, kids, do not try this at home. We do love that she does not have a gag reflex.
Girl Swallows Banana
One of my favorite search terms on the web is “girl swallows”. This will result in a numerous amount of hits to various things that girls like to swallow along with videos to accompany it. For now, I just wanted to highlight this hottie doing what she does best.
Skittle’s Banned Commercial
You can’t go wrong when your girl says, “Give me some sugar! Sugar Daddy!” I can’t really say much about this commercial since it really speaks for itself. My only beef is that I wish I could see more commercials just like this. Does this count as a Foodie post? You be the judge.
Whipped Cream Bikini Bra
There are right ways and wrong ways of doing a whipped cream bikini bra. On the picture above you’ll notice that the center picture is the best way of doing the bikini. The picture on the left is a mediocre attempt at making a similar bra while the picture on the right was totally off. It seemed like they didn’t use the whipped cream from a can and instead used whipped cream from the tub. Okay, the center image has a little Hollywood magic going on. Thank you Varsity Blues. I have to put a whipped cream bikini in the…
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