I’m reading this article about “What to do when a guy won’t make the first move” combined with all the Harvey Weinstein news stories and I’ve come to a conclusion that everyone sucks out there.
It’s frustrating isn’t it? To a degree women are taught by society that men will be the aggressors. In a multitude of sociological ways it is neither appropriate (nor is it rewarded) when a woman is viewed upon as the assertive one in a romantic situation. There are tons of negative consequences to being “that kind of woman” and all of them allude to promiscuity or some kind of defective quality if a woman presents with the confidence to approach a guy she is interested in.
The world sucks with all these accusers who at the same time have been agressors. I’d be surprised if any of these ‘victims’ have not been on the other side.
With that being said, here’s my hottie of the week. Rose Mcgowan. Enjoy!
- Harvey Weinstein and Rose McGowan during “Grindhouse” Los Angeles Premiere – Inside and After Party in Los Angeles, California, United States. (Photo by Jeff Vespa/WireImage)